Bronze 2019 / Architecture / Buildings (Non-Pro)


  • Photographer
    Giulio Zanni
  • Prizes
    Gold in Advertising/Self-Promotion, Bronze in Architecture/Buildings

For years I photographed monuments from former Yugoslvia and brutalist buildings throughout the Balkans. The term “brutalism” coms from Le Corbusier’s definition of “beton brut”, concrete. Most of the images of the blocks were taken in Belgrade. Walking around the blocks I realized that these buildings were backgrounds to various micro-worlds. Life had its full cycle within the blocks. I could see schools, playgrounds, shops, bars, restaurants, offices, funeral agencies and drug dealers. With Blokovi, I felt compelled to create “social architecture”.

Giulio Zanni is an Italian photographer that has lived most of his life in the Balkans. Before focusing on fine art, he worked with documentary and nature photography. He often uses the long-exposure technique and he photographs mostly in black and white. He won several awards and his work has been published in books and magazines. His portfolio has been selected among the best inspiring photographers.