Bronze 2018 / People / Family

Adi - Unschooling

  • Photographer
    Fulvio Bugani
  • Agency / Studio
    Foto Image
  • Prizes
    Bronze in People/Family

Adilla, 7-year-old, lives an uncommon special life. Unlike the children of her same age, she has never been to school. She is an unschooler. Unschooling is a non-coercive, cooperative educational method, born in the 1970s, that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. According to this philosophy, education is a matter of curiosity and desire rather than academic achievement. A fundamental premise of unschooling is that curiosity is innate and that children want to learn. Unschoolers learn simply through their natural life experiences, with no formal classes taken.

Fulvio Bugani was born in Bologna in 1974. He founded his own studio in 1999 – Foto Image. Bugani has been a freelance professional photographer for over 20 years, working with associations and NGOs. He actively collaborates with MSF (Medecins Sans Frontier) and Amnesty International, for which he has participated in several projects on human rights, illegal immigration and the right to housing. His work has been published in international magazines:TIME, LFI. In 2015 he was awarded at the World Press Photo and in 2016 at the Leica Oskar Barnack Award. He is an international Leica Ambassador.