Silver 2021 / Editorial / Photo Essay (Non-Pro)


  • Photographer
    Simone Francescangeli
  • Prizes
    Silver in Editorial/Photo Essay, Bronze in Science/Other

Me and Covid. Me and my psyche. Home is a deeply personal space. It can be a physical, geographical and a metaphysical, psychological space at the same time. It's the place of our intimate and personal confrontation with one's limitations, tensions, aspirations, frustrations and fears. It is a space to isolate oneself or to share with someone else. Over the last year what we mean for the word "Home" has been questioned until it reaches us, flowing through our veins, in the eternal struggle with our consciousness of human being.

My name is Simone Francescangeli, I'm a self-made photographer. I come from the Italian province. I picked up the camera with the intention of being able to find a way to express myself in 2010 and just try to tell the life stories of men closely, especially the ordinary ones, related to the need to be able to live day per day. Until now I brought footstes around in Italy, in Europe, South America and Africa.